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Incidentally, this page is always under construction. All the pictures contained herein are mine. However, none are copyrighted, so feel free to take and use as many as you like. |
The Christmas Kids - Max and Isabella 2010
10/6/24 update: My how time flys!
Max is now a college student and also a Coast Guard Reservist. Izzy is
living with friends and enjoys gardening and raising chickens. Both great
Looking for a geeky hobby - here it
is - - Geocaching! Armed with nothing but your wits and a gps
unit, you can search out little treasures throughout the country and
throughout the world!
Click here to be
taken to where you can learn all about it. BTW, my
geocaching name is HikerMike (no spaces between the words) and my home
location is |
Send me email or Pepper will haunt you!!
Click on the link above, or
address your email to
Note: Pepper passed away on 12/19/06, but her memory will live on |
Thanks a lot! Enjoy!!
For you GearHeads out there, here is my contact information in QR code:
We support our troops !!
Time to dump Internet Explorer and Outlook
Check out the Browsers and Email Client below -
This page was last modified on
Sunday, October 06, 2024
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